The Cake and I

A few years ago, a very lovely lady, Lucille Cheleny, was hostess for our church circle. Lucille made the most delicious cake—different—“Lucile, what’s the name of this cake and can I have the recipe?”

“Sure” said Lucille, “It’s called Better Than Sex Cake.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

Lucille sent me the recipe and I put it away—never got around to making the cake until a couple of years later.

Our church has a progressive dinner held in January each year. This year, I opted to bring dessert. Ah ha, the cake—I’ll finally make it. And I did.

The main dinner I chose to go to was at Martha Manring’s “fun” home. Martha had a butler named “Robert,” and a maid named “Fee Fee.” Martha’s theme was, of course, French--grape stuff to drink, cheese, candles, French music, beef burgundy, garlic green beans, special broccoli quiche. First course—a special salad made by Fee Fee, French bread to go with it all. We even had a young lady harpist play beautiful songs as we finished our meal around the most beautifully set table—Viva La France!

Somehow, the name of my dessert that I was bringing to Karr’s home (everyone from all the host homes was to gather there for a big get together and dessert) leaked out. Everyone wanted to taste it. I took the cake into Karr’s kitchen to cut into serving pieces. I said as it was being cut, “Oh dear, it’s too soft, it won’t stand up.” There were smiles.

Later when said cake was on the serving table, Barbara Yuost, our minister’s wife, was helping herself to a piece as I had just done before her. “It’s really good,” I said, “I just wish it …” I remembered the name of the cake, so I did not say “stand up.” Barbara knew what I was about to say. That cake went, soft or not, it went!

The next day, I was talking with my daughter, Sally, who lives in Tennessee. Sally likes to bake, so I was telling her how good this cake called Better Than Sex was. I said the only trouble with it was—it turned out too soft and wouldn’t stand up. I stated she might have to fool around with it to get it stiff enough to stand up. WELL—by then we were both laughing so hard we couldn’t talk and almost had to hang up. Of course, I was talking about the recipe, but with the name in mind, it just got funnier and funnier.

Lucille, I’m only sorry I waited two years to make this cake. I couldn’t find pineapple instant pudding, so I used vanilla—I’ll bet that’s why it didn’t stand up. What fun!

Believe me, this special cake and I will go down in infamy. Tell me, Lucille, how do you get it to stand up—what’s the secret? I did everything right except flavor of pudding—even kept it in the refrigerator for seven hours. What more could I have done?!

Norma Lucia Schieb


1 box Jiffy yellow cake mix
“Bake in greased 9x13 pan for 15 min., cool.”

BEAT WELL……….8 oz. Cream cheese
                                   ½ cup milk
Then add…………….to the above cheese mix—
1 box instant pineapple pudding
1 ¼ cup milk --- beat until thick
Spread on top of cake

Then add……20 oz. (Drained well) crushed pineapple…
                        Spread on top of cheese mix

TOPPING……Cool Whip

                 CHILL 4 to 5 HOURS

For more of Norma's recipes, visit Hearty Hodgepodge.

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